dll ) file you will find this c/windows/system32 and save to desktop also make a copy of it and put it in a safe place just in-case things don't go right for you.. Do this as follows: 1 Goto Control Panel Sounds page and make sure the checkbox for startup sound is checked and, if it is highlighted, click on Apply button at lower right of page.. Keep the imageres_original dll file ResHack left behind in case you want to revert back to the original sound.. Click 'Open file with new resource', and find the wave file you want to replace it with.. (This is assuming you dual boot ) 2) Locate the file 'imageres dll' in Vista's System32 folder.. 8) You might have some Permission issues while replacing the old file, if you have linux live cd handy, copy the new dll to a thumb drive & boot off from it and replace the file.. e Your desktop 4) Open ResHacker Open the imageres dll file in ResHacker 5) Find the folder that reads 'WAVE' and expand everything below that.. Oh sorry my apologies OKfollow this • select an audio file of your choice and make sure you convert it to a wave file not just wav • rename it 5080 if you are using English version of windows 7 united states language,so your audio file should be 5080.. wave ( DON'T MAKE YOUR WAVE FILE MORE THEN 330 KB AS I'M NOT SURE HOW BIG IT CAN BE ) • copy (imageres.. Get The noise windows 95 makes when it starts In Wav or MP3 format for free court.. Once you're done, in Resource Type, type 'WAVE', in Resource Name type '5051', and under Resource Language type '1033' (or whatever number you have).. 6) Right click 1033 (this could have a different name depending on your locale), and click Replace Resource.. Either on or off) switch and you need to clearly communicate to Windows 7 that the switch is off.. For instance, C: Windows System32 imageres dll Copy that file into a different location, i.. The problem is that the enabling/disabling the startup sound is a flip flop type (ie.. Once done, click Replace 7) Click File, then click Save Now you can copy this file to Vista's System32 folder.. Note: we provide third party links for your convinence it may change without notice Microsoft doesn't give guaranty on provided links.. • download Open the imageres dll file in XN resource editor that you have saved to your desktop find the folder that reads wave and expand it below it is a file named 5080 expand that and right click delete resource on the file named English (United States) • select resource in XN Resource Editor then select import user resource find your file we made named 5080 and save and then exit now replace the imageres.. dll file that you have made into c/windows/system32 and your good to go reboot enjoy.. Windows 95 Startup Sounds| Effects| Sound Bites| Sound Clips from SoundBible com Free.. I have tried other ways and they didn't work for me i just played around with things and this is what worked for me YOU MUST DO THIS IN SAFE MODE OR IF YOU HAVE A DUAL BOOT USING XP IT WILL MAKE THINGS EASY also make sure you un check the Play Windows start up sound before you try to change it.. I tried the following, but when I Use res hacker and open the dll file nothing appears in the windows nothing everything is blank in the program period.. I do not think you can change the Sound from Control Panel, but there are ways one can use [Use it at your own risk] 1) For best results, boot out of Window 7 and into an alternative OS, such as XP. d70b09c2d4
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